KondiMaster Piezo-Summer: Zuverlässiger Signalgeber für Gruppentrainings

KondiMaster Piezo buzzer: Reliable signal generator for group training

In a high-energy environment such as a large sports hall or gym, especially during group training sessions, it is crucial to have a reliable and clearly audible signaling system. Often, motivating and loud music is played during workouts, so a clear signal for timers and intervals is necessary to maintain the training rhythm. This is where the Kondimaster high-performance piezo buzzer comes into play, which is used in most of our timers.

This powerful buzzer ensures that even in environments with high background noise, the interval signals remain clearly audible. Trainers can leave the room with peace of mind while the Kondimaster system takes over the timing and signaling, thus ensuring the structure of the training session.

The high-performance piezo buzzer

The Kondimaster interval timers are equipped with a high-performance piezo buzzer designed for demanding scenarios such as gyms, sports halls and other large spaces. Here are some technical details:

  • Signal type: The buzzer is classified as a loud signaling device in the alarm area.
  • Sound pressure level: With a sound pressure of 100 dB(A), this buzzer can effectively penetrate ambient noise.
  • Area of ​​application: Ideal for environments where loud, clear signals are needed – be it in group training or intensive interval workouts.

Application and benefits

  1. Loud and clear: With a sound pressure level of 100 dB(A), this buzzer remains clearly audible even with loud music or background noise.
  2. Reliability in training: Whether the trainer is in the room or not, the Kondimaster system ensures that all participants keep track and are motivated to move on to the next exercise.
  3. Ideal for large spaces: This buzzer is particularly beneficial in large training environments where traditional alarms may not be loud enough.

This powerful combination of high volume and reliability makes the Kondimaster Piezo buzzer, which is used in most of our timers, the ideal companion for intensive group training sessions where no signal is missed and each workout is made as effective as possible.

Depending on the device, the volume can also be adjusted to suit your needs.

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1 comment

Hallo Kondimaster Team, ich gehe mehrmals die Woche zum Funktional-Training bei GNGN in Nürnberg. Die benutzen eure RC80 Countdown Uhr und ich kann tatsächlich bestäigen, dass das Teil echt unüberhörbar ist! Wenn es uns dann zu laut ist machen wir einfach einen Klebestreifen über den Summer.


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